202. Debunking common vegan arguments

vegan, animal-based, diet, health, nutrition

On today’s podcast, Paul debunks an article claiming that animal centered diets accelerate aging. He breaks down the epidemiology and observational evidence in this article, explains healthy user bias and unhealthy user bias, and shares studies that support his belief that in fact, vegan diets induce frailty, which in turn, accelerates aging.

Time Stamps:

00:10:31 Paul shares the article that claims that eating meat accelerates aging
00:15:23 Understanding healthy user bias, unhealthy user bias and epidemiology studies
00:20:45 The benefits of eating meat for longevity
00:24:10 Is meat inflammatory?
00:30:40 Vegans and fracture risk
00:34:04 Did our ancestors eat a lot of meat? Do they age well?
00:39:00 Are the Blue Zones BS?
00:42:25 Picking apart the studies that claim plant-based diets reduce affects of aging
00:46:23 Does restricting calories lead to longevity?
00:49:10 Sarcopenia as a predictor of all-cause mortality
00:50:40 Flaws in famous studies promoting plant-based eating
00:54:40 Should we worry about mTOR?
00:56:05 Should we worry about IGF-1 when eating dairy and carbohydrates?
01:01:45 PUFAs
01:09:55 Soy protein vs animal protein
01:11:10 Anecdotal evidence from the article
01:14:38 Recapping the episode

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