Fertility, Pre-natal, Pregnancy, Breast Feeding and Peri-menopause with Jaime Seeman, MD

Dr Jaime Seeman is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist practicing in Omaha, Nebraska. Born and raised in the state she played collegiate softball for the Cornhuskers. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition, Exercise and Health Sciences. She then went on to graduate medical school and completed her OBGYN residency at The University of Nebraska Medical Center. She currently is in private practice at Mid City OBGYN offering a full range of services in obstetrics, gynecology, robotic surgery and primary care. She is a fellow in Integrative Medicine at The University of Arizona School of Medicine. She is one of the first board certified ketogenic nutrition
Specialists in the country. She has a passion for fitness, preventative medicine and ketogenic therapy not only in her medical practice but in her own life. She is married to her husband Ben, a police Sargent and has three young daughters. Dr Seeman is also Mrs Nebraska 2020, will compete for Mrs America in January and appeared on NBC Titan games with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
Time stamps:
0:10:46 Jaimee Seeman on the Titan Games
0:14:37 Infertility outlined
0:25:01 The effect of vegetarianism on male fertility
0:27:47 How high fiber diets tank estrogen levels
0:36:46 How the omega 3:6 ratio influences ovarian and sperm health
0:39:42 How to properly use birth control
0:44:38Constructing a fertility-optimization diet
0:51:22 Riboflavin Lowers Homocysteine in Individuals Homozygous for the MTHFR 677C→T Polymorphism https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/circulationaha.105.580332
0:52:10 Why you should drop your prenatal supplement
0:55:20 Should you worry about too much liver during pregnancy?
0:55:20 Should you worry about eating too much liver during pregnancy?
0:55:20 Should you worry about eating too much liver during pregnancy?
0:58:31 The impossibility of proper vegetarian nourishment
1:03:10 Nutritional considerations for pregnancy
1:05:42 Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa0707943
1:07:00 Ketones, carbohydrates, and pregnancy
1:14:57 Postpartum and breastfeeding
1:14:57 Effect of dietary macronutrient composition under moderate hypocaloric intake on maternal adaptation during lactation https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/89/6/1821/4596837
1:26:12 Nutritional support for perimenopause
1:32:14 The details on hormone replacement therapy
1:36:15 How men can best ward off prostate complications
1:36:55 How polyphenols affect estrogen metabolism
1:38:58 Getting enough magnesium
1:40:13Glycine is vital in pregnancy (preventing stretch marks)
1:42:07 Don't forget about fish!
1:42:53 What about dairy?
1:43:41 Where to find Jaime Seeman
1:43:59 Jaimee Seeman, Miss Nabraska
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