Why I don't eat fish, chicken or pork!

On today’s episode, Paul takes a deep dive into why he chooses to omit fish, chicken and pork from his diet. He touches on PFAs, micro-plastics, heavy metals, and linoleic acid.
Time Stamps:
00:07:05 Podcast begins
00:07:35 PFAS in our food, food packaging, dental floss, and sparkling water
00:20:00 PFAS in fish
00:25:55 Heavy metal contamination in fish
00:31:30 Microplastics in fish
00:38:40 Can we get Omega-3s from an animal-based diet?
00:44:00 Thoughts on eating chicken
00:52:20 Thoughts on eating pork
00:56:35 The best animal foods to eat
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